President Bryan Rennell started the day by having our Pledges, Invocation, Songs, and our meet and greet with fellow Lions. Almost immediately he gave us all a report on the great time and success that was had by the children and Lion volunteers who worked and assisted with our ‘kids on the lake’ event. This was our fishing tournament for special needs kids held on Saturday, Sept. 21st at Owen Park.
Conroe Noon Lions are privileged each year to present this activity. It gives the opportunity for parents and their child to enjoy the great outdoors, with fishing, playing games, and dunking our honorable President Bryan in the dunking tank. The Conroe Fire Dept. and Montgomery County Hospital District were in attendance to assist if necessary and to show off their shiny ambulance and big beautiful red fire truck. There were games, prizes, and fun for all. Then all were treated to a lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings. The horses from the Conroe PD Mounted Patrol were very popular with several children. I will leave the fishing tournament by saying awards and prizes were given to all.