Hi Lions - 
     Sooo, I'm running a little late today due to the holiday and forgetting what day it is.  Better late than never, right? 
      The Golf Tournament was outstanding!  THANKS to everyone who came out and played and/or volunteered.  Ya know, I really do enjoy these events when you get to work with Lions who you only speak to in passing at lunch because they don't sit at your table.  I learned a lot about Bruce and Charlie's vacations.  I can't really tell too much about what I learned as it may or may not have some inappropriate vacation stories, but I do recommend asking the two of them about "the picture".  
     IMPORTANT - Our  85th Anniversary Celebration  is next Wednesday, June 5th  come help us celebrate this CNLC milestone. Y'all know by now it's going to be a BIG DEAL so get ready!
      And another reminder, the Annual Installation Banquet - Friday, June 14th at the River Plantation Country Club.  Social hour is 6:30pm with dinner starting at 7:00pm. We'll be announcing the ‘Rookie & Lion of the Year' and we'll be having lots of FUN, COCKTAILS, MUSIC, AND FOOD! So don't forget sign-up today - Click and SIGN-UP!
      A quick reminder the Celebration for Life service for fellow Lion Bill Miller will be Saturday, June 8th – 11am at April Sound Church – we have been asked to provide deserts for the fellowship afterwards.  If you’d like to provide cookies, brownies, cakes or pies – please sign up and bring to the club office by noon on Friday, June 7th. Sign-Up
     "RIGHT NOW" – make that reminder call to your friend, relative, co-worker you are inviting to lunch this week. Membership has dropped in the last few months; not sure if this is BECAUSE Jason Miller has been president or because he is exiting his post.  Whatever the reason, let's help President Jason go out with a little bit of dignity and get those recruits in RIGHT NOW!!
    The program will be our Pete Brasher Speech Winners from the CHS Jr. class, plus – some of our scholarship winners ….
Stay safe, stay kind, and make someone happy today!🌺
 Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary