A big THANK YOU to VP Sharene Carr, Connie McNabb, and the entire Eyeglass Recycling Center team for last week’s insightful 👓 program. Your dedication truly makes a difference!
Thisweek is CLEAN-UP WEEK! 🧹 VP Tracy had dubbed this 'Clean-Up Week'. All remaining sales for Community Partners MUST be in by Wednesday...NO more excuses. We have to go to print - and don't forget, we have a Clay Shoot to prep for!Click for partner renewal form.
Still searching 🗺 for Our Hometown Military Hero - Be on the look out for a hero to honor this year. Know someone serving on active duty? Nominate them by Sept. 30th - Click here for form.
Don't forget - NEW date & time for the👩🦽 'kids on the lake' - Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21st, from 2-6 pm. The tournament is dedicated to special needs children. Please, help us locate children who could participate and sign up to volunteer. Click here for Flyer to give to families & Click here to sign-up and help!
Yep, as announced last week our Annual Clay Shot🎯 is only a month away! It's set for Saturday, Oct. 5th - Blackwood Gun Club - 9:30-Noon. Before your fall calendar fills up - we're looking for shooters, pullers/scorekeepers, and volunteers. Click here to sign up to help!
Reading at Reaves - Readers Needed!📕 Join us as we go BACK TO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Sept. 18th - 9:00-Noon. We will be reading to the kiddos at Reaves, volunteers needed for various time slots.Click here to Read at Reaves.
Don't forget☝ - the District P&S Meeting is this Wednesday!
Program This Week:🍾Cheers to Helena Van Orden from Bernhardt Winery, who will be our guest speaker this week. Don’t miss it!
Weekly Quote:
This week's quote is from Lion Madison Perry - “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. - Helen Keller
As Lions we prove this to be true on a regular basis. What a year, we've been doing so much good together...and to think we are just getting started. Lots of opportunities in the coming months be sure to sign up for them.