Dear Lions, 
    A big THANK YOU to VP Sharene Carr, Connie McNabb, and the entire Eyeglass Recycling Center team for last week’s insightful 👓 program. Your dedication truly makes a difference!

        This week is CLEAN-UP WEEK! 🧹 VP Tracy had dubbed this 'Clean-Up Week'. All remaining sales for Community Partners MUST be in by Wednesday...NO more excuses.  We have to go to print - and don't forget, we have a Clay Shoot to prep for!    Click for partner renewal form. 
        Still searching 🗺 for Our Hometown Military Hero - Be on the look out for a hero to honor this year.  Know someone serving on active duty? Nominate them by Sept. 30th -  Click here for form.
          Don't forget - NEW date & time for the👩‍🦽 'kids on the lake' - Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21st, from 2-6 pm.  The tournament is dedicated to special needs children. Please, help us locate children who could participate and sign up to volunteer. Click here for Flyer to give to families & Click here to sign-up and help!
       Yep, as announced last week our Annual Clay Shot🎯  is only a month away!  It's set for Saturday, Oct. 5th - Blackwood Gun Club - 9:30-Noon.  Before your fall calendar fills up - we're looking for shooters, pullers/scorekeepers, and volunteers. Click here to sign up to help! 
       Reading at Reaves - Readers Needed!📕 Join us as we go BACK TO SCHOOL on Wednesday, Sept. 18th - 9:00-Noon.  We will be reading to the kiddos at Reaves, volunteers needed for various time slots. Click here to Read at Reaves. 
           Don't forget - the District P&S Meeting is this Wednesday!
      Program This Week: 🍾Cheers to Helena Van Orden from Bernhardt Winery, who will be our guest speaker this week. Don’t miss it!
Weekly Quote:
This week's quote is from Lion Madison Perry - “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. - Helen Keller

 As Lions we prove this to be true on a regular basis. What a year, we've been doing so much good together...and to think we are just getting started. Lots of opportunities in the coming months be sure to sign up for them.
Yours in service,
Andrew Perry
Club Secretary