I hope everyone is ready for the New Year and has already joined a local gym; or at least cleaned off your treadmill or stationary bike to start the New Year moving – those clothes belong in the closet anyway. We do NOT have our Club Meeting this week on 1/3/24 due to the New Year holiday, so take that extra hour and go for a walk! I know just about everyone in this club either over ate, over drank, missed gym days; or like myself, did all three! You can benefit from as little as 15 minutes of walking and you don’t have to do it all at one time. Just do what you can do every day and it will quickly become a habit that makes you feel so much better.
Club meetings will resume on 1/10/24 BUT we will be meeting at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS EXHIBIT HALL. Ricky Morton and Connie McNabb, I can meet y’all in the Convention Center parking lot so you can follow me over to the fairgrounds; I don’t want you to think we cancelled the meeting.
The New Year means we need Door Prize Donors - for the second half of the club year. You know you got a bunch of gift cards to places you’ve never even heard of; so throw a bow on one or two of those and sign-up to re-gift them. Door Prize Sign-Ups
Mark your calendars - the Dinner/Dance & Auction is coming up FAST on Thursday, 2/15/24. We NEED auction items! Feel free to donate that turquoise and orange bedding set that Uncle Oliver gave you for Christmas – that could be the exact color for someone’s bedroom makeover. And for those of us who are “on the wagon” for the new year; bring all that booze in and we’ll make a 'booze barrel' to auction off. We need some committee help so jump on in and join the FUN and sign-up to HELP! DD&A Sign-UpSee you next week -