Fellow Lions,
 HELP!!!!  There has been a reported hostage situation at the concession stand and it’s rumored that Kimberly has Catherine shackled to the kitchen sink where she’s making her wash dishes for the next 15 hours so she is unable to write the Weekly Lion Up today.  But that's ok, here are the highlights!
#1 - NO CLUB MEETING - Wednesday, due to the Fair!
#2 - Fair Concessions will continue through Thursday, if you've not worked your shift, here is the Fair Concession Work-Shifts.
#3 - DISTRICT CONVENTION - Important - April 26-27 (Fri-Sat) at the Marriot Houston North.  Events include a Friday night is a Toga Party, Saturday is Breakfast, Meetings, Memorial Service, the PDG Distinguished Achievement Awards luncheon honoring our own, Bobby Brennan, after that is voting and the Governor's banquet.   Here is the link.  The district ask that Lions register themselves individually.  But here are two important things to know, if you attend the convention as a voting delegate, our club will 'credit' your club account for your luncheon meal cost.
PLUS - it is important that you let Vicki know if you are attending so she can register to you as a delegate to VOTE and give you CREDIT. The deadline is NOON, this Friday, April 19th.
#4 - TLC Work Weekend is May 4th so make your plans now to help get the camp ready for the summer camping sessions.  There are special room rates at the YO hotel just ask for the Conroe Noon Lions Club room rate. Please, let us know you are going by signing up here -  TLC Work Weekend.
#5 - 'kids on the lake' - a fishing tournament for special needs children - will be Saturday, May 11th, Owen Park, 9am-1pm.  This is a fun time for special needs kids in our area help us spread the news by forwarding this flyer - click here. Also volunteers will be needed to bait hooks, run games, and serve up hot dogs.  To volunteer - sign up here.
It sounds like everyone is having a great time out at the Fair, well except for maybe Catherine?  Come on out and remember, NO CLUB MEETING!
Thanks all - 
Vicki Musgrove
Executive Secretary