Dear Lions, 
Congrats to the ‘Ask Me to Roar’ Winners!🦁
Drumroll please... the results are in and the "Ask me to Roar" winners are THE GUYS!!!!  Let’s just say it’s going to be a roaring good time for those serving the winners! 

Service Saturday Success 
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came out for Service Saturday! Your hard work made all the difference, and we couldn’t have done it without you. If you missed this one stay tune for more.
Rewards at Reaves – Tomorrow! 🐝
We need volunteers to help serve treats to the kids tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, from 10:30 am – 1:30 pm. Come join the fun and put a smile on some little faces! Sign Up Here

Pre-School Vision Screening
Are continuing through mid-November, are various locations from 9-11 am. Special thanks to those covering the first shifts! We still need a few more volunteers, so if you’re available, please step up—no experience needed! Sign Up Here

Children’s Screening at VFW’s Trunk or Treat!
On Saturday, Oct. 26th, from 10:30 am – 3:30 pm, we’ll be hosting a children’s vision screening at the VFW Trunk or Treat. Grab your friendliest (or funniest!) costume, and join us for a fun day! Two shifts are available, so sign up and make a difference. Sign Up Here

New Member Orientation 
Is this Thursday, Oct. 24th, from 5:30-7:00 pm at the club office. Learn all about CNLC, tour the Eyeglass Recycling Center, and earn EXTRA badge points while you’re at it!
This Week’s Program: 🎤
 Is our New Member Induction, join us as PDG Karl Johnson officially welcomes our newest members. Get your napkins ready folks!
The quote for this week is provided by Past President Jason Miller.....
"you have 2 hands, one to help yourself and the other to help someone else"
Thank you Lions for being the helping hands that make our club so strong!
Yours in service,
Andrew Perry
Club Secretary