Good Monday Morning!

      I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and did something fun to get your energy going for this week. Speaking of energy, I hope everyone has had the energy to sign-up for the Fair Concessions.  If not, then you’ll need to review the FULL WORK-SCHEDULE to find which shift you have been assigned to.
     If you can’t make your shift, we really do understand, but we would ask that you PLEASE call or text your Day Chair to ask for a different time or to let them know of a day you CAN work.  This is really important for the Day Chairs to know how many folks will be available to cover a shift.  It’s really tough for the Day Chairs to scramble to find extra help when folks don’t show – please be respectful and attend your shift or let them know in advance you can’t make it. 
    Okay, let’s talk about Recess Rewards at Reaves - this Thursday, March 28th, 10:30am - 1:00pm.  Whose up for handing out goodies to some very deserving kids?  This is the end of their 9-week grading period and they need a little pick-me-up from working so hard on their attendance and their conduct.  Good grief if these kids are being awarded for good conduct, they deserve more than a little treat – Vicki I think we should pass out full size candy bars and sodas.  Get them all fired up for the next 9-week grading period. I’m sure their teachers would appreciate our efforts for that, and besides, they get an extra recess to run off all of that sugar!
     The program this week is a past club favorite – Larry Foerster, with the Montgomery County Historical Commission.  He’s a local historian and story teller of all things Conroe and Montgomery County.  I’m not from around these parts, so it should be a very interesting presentation.
     I don’t know what happened this year but we are having Easter in March.  Who was in charge of this?  The Easter Bunny doesn’t even come out of his rabbit hole until Good Friday, then he has to rush off for his barber shop appointment where his ears are trimmed up and his fur is washed for that Sunday morning shine.  This is followed by his Annual Easter Tuxedo fitting; which may or may not fit due to some sampling of the candy and eggs while he’s hopping down the bunny trail.  This is a busy day for Mr. Easter Bunny, I hope he can pull it off for all of our kids. 
     Enjoy your short week (unless you work where I work) and enjoy your Easter Weekend.  If you do not celebrate Easter, enjoy your weekend and do something special with your family and grandkids if you have them.
     Don’t forget to be kind to others; it may change their life forever.
 Happy Easter Week!
Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary