Hello Lions,
We will be at the FAIRGROUNDS this week – apparently there is a Boat Show in town and they outrank us for the Convention Center.  Feel free to pop on over there after our meeting and pick yourself out a little something for the summer. 
A BIG shout out to all who helped the district and camp at the Bob Dowden Dinner last weekend.  My understanding from Sheila Thomas is they had already raised $24,000 before the doors were even open!  Lions are really an amazing group of folks.
Dinner Dance and Auction Update:
  • Community Partners we need your RSVP’s as soon as possible – tickets now on sale now. 
  • We need volunteers for our WORK DAY - Wednesday, Feb. 14.  I know this is Valentine’s Day, but you’ll have plenty of time to rush home and change into something more comfortable for a night of romance.  Hey Fellas, here’s a tip; don’t go rushing home for that night of romance if you aren’t bringing something home that either involves Tiffany & Co., Godiva, or at least a dozen roses from the drive through tent stand at Kroger.
  • Why am I still talking about AUCTION ITEMS?!?!?  Do you have any idea what it’s like to have Vicki on your back; clawing at you, screaming at you, backing you into a corner and threatening dismemberment if you don’t get what she needs?  Well it’s a little scary people!!  So I’m going to ask if you’ll put a rush on getting those auction items to her before there’s nothing left of me but pieces of bone.
Our Program this week is the “Corporate Transparency Act” (CTA) presented by Jim Dossey, JD.  If your business has been taking your money to the local laundromat, and your friends are now referring to you as a SMURF; you might want to come listen to Jim talk about the 2024 Criminal Transparency Act and see if you and Chief Christy are about to have a little conversation about money laundering.  BTW, a SMURF is slang for a money launderer whose trying to hide money from the government, not the little blue people.
Have a fantastic rest of your week and get out there and get some afternoon sunshine while it lasts!
See you at the FAIRGROUNDS this week!
Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary