Dear Lions, 
Happy Veteran’s Day, Lions!  Today, we honor and thank all who have served in the military for their dedication and sacrifice.🎖
Pre-School Vision Screenings - We’re wrapping up our Pre-School Vision Screenings with only two days left—Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Thank you to all who’ve volunteered to support this initiative! (Sign-Up)
CAC Vision Screening - Mark your calendars for Monday, November 18th, from 1-3 pm for our next vision screening at the Community Assistance Center. Volunteers are still needed, so saddle up if you’re available! (Sign-Up)
'Eyeglass Saloon' – Happy Hour at the Recycling Center - this Thursday, 11/14 - 5:30pm-7:30pm! For those who can’t join us during the day, here’s a chance to help out and enjoy refreshments (beer, wine, and light snacks) while learning more about the Eyeglass Recycling Center. No need to sign up; just ride your horse over, kick in the saloon doors, and get to work! 
Service Saturday – November 16th Join us THIS Saturday from 8a-12p! We’ll be gathering to make a difference, so come ready to work. We will be helping an elderly resident clean up her yard and doing some fence repairs for her. (Sign-Up)
Board Meeting Wednesday, November 13th  Here's a reminder for our board members—meeting this Wednesday. Be sure to attend!
Giddy Up Giveaway” - Lucky Derby Car Raffle Tickets are now on sale! 700 tickets at $100 each get you a shot at the top prizes—a Buckalew Chevy car, a cruise, a Riverwalk getaway, an outdoor fire pit, and 24 other prizes valued at $200+. With a 1-in-25 chance of winning, November is the time to sell tickets, as the first drawing is Dec. 4th and the grand finale on Dec. 11th. Grab your tickets NOW and help spread the word!
Holiday Reminder - We will NOT meet on Wednesday, November 27th, because of Thanksgiving. 
This Week’s Program - We’re pleased to have our own Lion Bill McGraw share insights on “Growing Your Business.” Don’t miss this valuable presentation.
Quote of the Week - This week our quote was provided by Lion Dan Grimes - "Better to be over the hill than under the hill."
A wise reminder that age just means we’re gaining altitude! 
Yours in service,
Andrew Perry
Club Secretary