Hello Lions - 
      What in tarnation happened here last week!?1!?  I go on a little getaway with my parents and come back to find half of Houston out of commission from the windstorm of the century, and trees down throughout the county.  Holy Cow, I hope you and all of your family and friends are doing okay.  We are Lions so check on those you love and your neighbors to make sure they don't need anything this week.
     I didn't get to see the Spring Style Show with Bridgewood Farms last week, but a couple of little fashionistas told me they were absolutely amazing, and all were considering a photo spread in next month's Vogue.   THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who put the show together and gave the models and the Lions something wonderful to remember.  
     The ‘kids on the lake’ – fishing tournament on Saturday turned into 'kids on the lake' - FUN DAY due to the pier being under water, making fishing unavailable.  Clearly that was NOT a problem as everyone that came had such a fun time and again, made some really good memories. THANK YOU to all of the Lions who worked extra hard to turn this into a special day without the fish.
     BIG News this week….all things GOLF.  The Annual Golf Tournament is this Thursday, May 23rd at Walden Golf Course.  If you want to play there are only one or two spots left on the PM flight because the AM flight is FULL!  We still need volunteers, though Kimberly and I have agreed to host the Hospitality Tent so feel free to join us; this tent is ALWAYS a lot of fun!  We STILL NEED DOOR PRIZES which surprises no one. Grab a gift card or two when you checkout at HEB and bring that with you Wednesday!   Oh, and we’ll be stuffing goodie bags after lunch on Wednesday so if you have a few minutes to help, we'd sure appreciate you.
     85th Anniversary Celebration  is Wednesday, June 5th and it's going to be HUGE.   Don't forget to come early to save your seat as we are expecting to have a very ‘high attendance’ day, come help us celebrate this milestone for our club. 
     Mark your calendars for the ‘changing of the guard’ – Annual Installation Banquet - Friday, June 14th at the River Plantation Country Club.  Social hour is 6:30pm with dinner starting at 7:00pm.  Congratulations to all of the outgoing leaders, newly installed leaders, plus we'll announced the ‘Rookie & Lion of the Year' honors.  There will be lots of fun, music and dancing.  We'd like to send President Jason's "Choose to Serve" out with a BANG!  Click and SIGN-UP!
       Program this week:   ‘The Alley Kats'.  You'll just have to be there to see what it’s all about.
Nugget of the Week:  Don't be quick to judge someone else on how they appear or how they are behaving at the moment; you never know what they are quietly going through and how it's taking everything they've got to hold it together.  Choose kindness...♥ 
Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary