I hope you are ready to look super sassy in your hairnet and dirty yellow apron, because it’s Fair Concession Time!! I want to take a moment to talk about safety before we get those grills fired up and those knives sharpened. We’ve never had a serious injury that I’m aware of; well except last year when that whole shelving unit fell off the wall and narrowly missed several of us. So here are my tips: #1, a BBQ pit cooks food with a “live” fire. This means that you cannot stick your head over the flames and expect to come back with your eyebrows and lashes intact. #2, knives are very sharp. They are very sharp, they cut through things to make smaller pieces, like onions and tomatoes and your middle index finger; if you are so busy gabbing and mistake a finger for a hotdog and cut that bad boy plum off. #3, the hot water at the sink is HOT! A little clue that might help you decide whether or not you want to go elbow deep is; if there is steam coming off of the water or it frizzes your hair when you walk over, you might want to add a little cold water. Safety first people!
Schedules have gone out to all the Day Chairs/Co-Chairs and they should have already made their calls to make plans for their specific day. Please, rely with a resounding YES when they call and do your part to help in this major fundraiser. Don’t forget you’ll need to wear your very stylish and sexy CNLC cap and/or t-shirt to get into the fairgrounds for FREE. If you need either or both of these sassy little gems, Vicki has extra that can be purchased at the meeting or club office.
CNLC Members Fair Buyers Group is still taking donations. In addition, we are going to have a little live auction of our own at the club meeting this Wednesday; so bring that checkbook, credit card, or wad of cash with you.
District Convention - April 26-27 (Fri-Sat) at the Marriot Houston North, they have extended discounted room reservation until 4/10. Friday night is a Toga Party, Saturday is Breakfast, Meetings, Memorial Service, the PDG Distinguished Achievement Awards luncheon honoring our own, Bobby Brennan, after that is voting and the Governor's banquet. Here is the link. In recent years, the district has opted for Lions to register individually. But here are two important things to know, if you attend the convention as a voting delegate, our club will credit your club account for your luncheon meal cost. BUT you MUST let Vicki know if you are attending so she can register to you as a delegate and give you credit. I believe the deadline is Friday, April 19th for all of this.
Hey Board Members, we will have a Board Meetingthis week 4/10, same time/same place. Get there early for that BBQ sandwich, adult refreshment, and yummy cookie from VP Tracy!
Don’t forget!! NO CLUB MEETING on Wednesday, April 17th due to the Fair.
Have a great week and be kind to each other; even when you want to smack them upside the head for making eye contact with you in the HEB checkout line.