Hello Lions, 

     I know I keep writing about the NEED for DD&A Auction Items, but I don’t seem to be getting through very well.  So, I’d like to take this opportunity to “define” the word “NEED”.  According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “NEED” is defined as “lacking something essential, a psychological requirement for well-being, or a condition requiring assistance.  In other words, if you don’t come-up with a required auction item for the DD&A, it is going to severely impact your mental well-being, and you won’t get relief from this sudden bout of psychosis until you supply Vicki with your donation.  I’m telling you right now, these AUCTION ITEM donations are serious business; so don’t risk having mental meltdown and get those donations turned in ASAP! 💥
     Calling all Community Partners!!!  The DD&A is only 4 weeks away so you must RSVP for your tickets this week!  They are selling fast and are going to be selling even faster with all of the auction items that are about to start coming in. 🎟
      Did everyone get their Bob Dowden Dinner tickets from Sheila Thomas this past week?  Poor woman having to walk around from table to table with her broken-up, stitched up, and swollen up hand; where were our gentlemen Lions that could have helped her with this – BOB Gunter?  Oh wait!  It was your birthday, so we’ll give you a pass.  Got to hand it to Sheila though, she never stops smiling.  We appreciate that about you Sheila; you are an amazing Lioness!!🦁
     We want to wish our Drug Awareness from last week and our other Youth Contest Winners ‘Good Luck’ on Saturday.  They’ll be presenting during the conference.  One more time, the dates are:  Bob Dowden Dinner, January 26th and Mid-Winter Conference, January 27th.🏆
     You folks really are making me beg this week, but since I have absolutely no class when it comes to begging folks for help, here I go again…. WE NEED DOOR PRIZE DONORS!  It doesn’t have to be anything fancy.  Winning anything can make a person’s day; so be creative and make someone smile! If you're having trouble with the sign-up, let us and we'll get you a date! Door Prize Sign-up🎁
     New Member Orientation is THIS WEEK, Thursday, January 25th at 5:30 in the Club’s Conference Room.  This is absolutely the easiest way to earn badge points and get to know some of our older members – Ladoris Cates is a plethora of information and Lions knowledge.  She’s also just a cute as a button.🧵
     Our PROGRAM this week is the “Lions Project for Canine Companions” with speaker Thomas Martin.  You know you are part of an amazing organization when even our “dogs” serve the community.🐶
Try to stay DRY!        
Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary