We are in the final 2 weeks of President Jason's reign of terror; I mean reign of leadership sharing, community caring, toga with cowboy boots daring, and an occasional inappropriate horn blaring (you know what I'm talking about Jason)!
This has been a great year for all of us. But before we go.... we still have things to do, with the most important being our 85th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - THIS WEDNESDAY, June 5th!! Grab that old Lion friend, your neighbor or your mamma and come celebrate Conroe Noon Lions Club! Oh and I almost forgot the most important thing, we'll be celebrating this milestone with mimosa's. Woohoo!!
Also IMPORTANT - PARKING - this special meeting will be in the bigger ballroom so we are asking ALL members to PARK in the front of the convention center, instead of on the side. There's a surprise planned!
The Annual Installation Banquet will be NEXT Friday, June 14th at the River Plantation Country Club with cocktails and socializing starting at 6:30pm and dinner at 7:00pm. I know all of you are holding your breath to find out who that Lion of the Year will be....Whomever it is, they have worked their tushy off all year long and more than deserve this honor. In addition we have lots of laughs, dancing, and probably some singing; depending on how well cocktail hour goes. BUT remember the deadline to RSVP is this Friday, June 7th - so click and SIGN-UP TODAY!
A quick reminder the Celebration of Life for fellow Lion Bill Millerwill THIS Saturday, June 8th – 11am at April Sound Church. Please consider bringing a dessert for the fellowship afterwards. Sign up and bring to the club office by noon on Friday, June 7th. Sign-Up
It's going to be a great week for CNLC, so go out and have a wonderful week yourself; and while you're at it be kind to everyone you meet!