The Dinner Dance & Auction was a great SUCCESS!!! But let’s take a minute and talk about the decorations - balls hanging from the ceiling? I have some serious questions as a therapist – was this a Freudian Slip from our decorating committee? And mercy me, what about all of those hairy and VERY WHITE legs that were sticking out of those cargo shorts? They were shapely, just needed a little color. The straw beachcomber hats definitely made up for the pale legs, as did President Jason and VP Bryan’s Hawaiian Lion shirts. Well played gentlemen, well played.
We had a fantastic crowd who was not being stingy with their wallets as they outbid each other all night on auction items and they bought all of our beads; thank you Lion Bill McGraw for matching. We could not have had such a successful evening without ALL of our donors, community partners and our guests. We appreciate you all so very much; even if I had to get ugly with those auctions items for a while - as usual though, CNL is an amazing and giving group and never lets the club down. Again, THANK YOU!!
Another BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the VFW a cleaner, fresher and more organized space for our Veterans at Service Saturday. What an honor it was to be able to help out a group who fought for our country. If you are a Veteran, THANK YOU TOO for the sacrifices you made for our beautiful Country of Freedom.
Have you signed up for the “Saddle Up & Save Lives” - Blood Drive yet? It’s next week, February 28th from 10am – 4pm at the Convention Center. You’ll get a super cool Rodeo T-shirt and a ticket for a big ol’ bowl of cowboy chili that’s so good you’ll want to put your spurs on. Click to Donate!
Reading at Reaves is Friday, March 1st. We want to read to EVERY class so we’re going to need quite a few volunteers. If you’ve never read to these kids you are missing a treat. They are kind, attentive, and on their very best behavior; and are so grateful we came by to visit. Sign up to Read!
DON’T FORGET BOARD MEMBERS – Board Meeting THIS Wednesday, February 21st at McKenzie’s BBQ. Come early if you want to eat.
The program this week at club is Chief James Campbell with the Montgomery County Hospital District. Come hear from those we count on in a time of need.