Hey All,
OK - Lions, things are really heating up as we're getting down to the wire for our "Its Lion o'clock Somewhere" - Dinner/Dance & Auction and here's what you need to know:
  • ALL  RSVP’s are due TODAY! Absolutely NO tickets will be issued after 2/7 – so get them in NOW!
  • AUCTION ITEMS - AUCTION ITEMS - Must be turned in this week by Friday, 2/9. Remember everything MUST be logged in; so, bring them with you to club Wednesday or to the office by Friday! No more excuses.
  • Booze Barrell & Wine Rack - These are two of our biggest selling items in the Silent Auction, and we need to get them filled.  If you're having trouble with an auction items here's where you can help out, just pull a little something from your stash.    
  • We will not have our regular meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 14.  This is our DD&A - ‘Work Day’ so come on by the convention center and help make the evening a beautiful success.  We start at 10am; then we’ll take a break at noon for a pizza lunch. 
Service Saturday is Feb. 17th at the VFW-Post 4709 from 8am-12pm.  We will be helping with kitchen repairs, shelving, ceiling tiles, and cleaning. This is a great opportunity to give back to those who protected our country. Sign Up Here
Blood Drive:  Saddle Up & Save Lives is Wednesday, Feb. 28th from 10am-4pm at the Convention Center.   All donors will receive a Rodeo T-shirt and some cowboy chili.  You MUST sign up through this link - DONATE CLICK HERE.
This week’s Program is Trey Diller who will be talking to us about the “Big As Texas Music Festival” coming in May.  This is a HUGE event that will not only put Conroe on the map for Music Festivals;  but it’s also benefitting local charities.
Have a fantastic rest of your week and get out there and get some afternoon sunshine while it lasts!
Catherine Prestigiovanni
Club Secretary