Dear Lions, 
🏈Fall is in the air, football season is kicking up, and have you noticed all the blue shirts around town? It's Lions pride on full display!
🦁Now, it’s time for the final stretch of our "ASK ME TO ROAR" membership drive! Guys vs. Gals, let's see who can rack up the most points before the deadline this Friday, Oct. 18th! Here's the breakdown: 
- 1 point: Wear your blue Lions shirt on Wednesday.
- 2 points: Wear your shirt out in public and snap a pic.
- 3 points: Record a video of you “roaring” at someone.
- 5 points: Submit a new member application!
Not only are we recruiting new members, but we’re also reminding Conroe why we’re known as the "greatest Lions club in the world!"
🌭Service Saturday is right around the corner on Oct. 19th from 8 am-12 pm at Lions Park. Come lend a hand, then stick around for a picnic afterward to celebrate all the hard work! Remember new lions earn 2 points towards their blue badge. Service Sat. Sign Up

 🤓Pre-School Vision Screening is well underway, running every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am-11 am. Huge thanks to those who’ve covered the first few shifts, but we still need more volunteers for the rest of the month. No experience needed – just a heart for service! Screening Sign Up
🤝New members, don’t forget about **New Member Orientation** on Thursday, Oct. 24th from 5:30-7:00 pm at the club office. Learn more about what makes our club special and tour the Eyeglass Recycling Center. Plus, you can even earn extra badge points!
👻 Halloween is right around the corner and so is our children's vision screening at the VFW - Trunk or Treat on Sat. Oct. 26th, 10:30a-3:30pm, there's 2-shifts.   Come help us screen these little goblins', it will be a treat! VFW Sign UP
🎙This week’s program is a special preview of 'Steel Magnolias' by the Players Theatre Company. It’s sure to be a great show, and we’re lucky to get a sneak peek.
📣And of course, don’t forget to "ROAR" this Wednesday! Wear your BLUE SHIRT!  Get out there to represent the Lions and grab those last minute team points!

😂 "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." – a little wisdom from Steel Magnolias to carry us through the week.
Let’s make this final week of the membership drive one to REMEMBER!

Yours in service,
Andrew Perry
Club Secretary