Kicking things off with a wild recap of last week’s ‘Monster Mash’ who knew so many grown adults could show up and be mad too look like Halloween madness? Whatever it was that Russell thought he was dressed as? Thanks for making it a hilarious meeting we won’t soon forget! 🤣 I promise, only a week left of the *glamorous* Pre-School Vision Screenings! They will run through next Wednesday, Nov. 13th at the last couple of spots from 9-11 am. Time to join in and earn that halo for helping out!Screening Sign-Up
Ready for an After-Hours spin at the Eyeglass Recycling Center? Head to the “Eyeglass Saloon” on Thursday, Nov. 14th, 5:30-7:30pm for some good ol’ fashioned *work and cheer*. There will be happy hour refreshments (yep, beer and wine!) plus light snacks. Everyone’s welcome—no sign-up needed. So kick the saloon doors open, and come say “Howdy!”
Our next Service Saturday is next Saturday, Nov. 16th, 8:00am-12:00pm. We will be cleaning up the yard or an elderly lady right here in Conroe. Join us as we serve and bless those in need. Service Sign-Up
We’ve got the District P&S meeting on Wednesday, 11/6. Make sure to be there!
And don’t miss your chance for the *Giddy Up Giveaway* - Lucky Derby Car Raffle! We’re selling 700 tickets at $100 each, with amazing top prizes like a new car from Buckalew Chevrolet, a cruise, a Riverwalk getaway, an outdoor fire pit, and 24 other prizes worth at least $200 each. You’re looking at a 1 in 25 shot at winning something! November’s the month to sell, with the first drawing on 12/4 and the big winner’s finale on 12/11—*giddy up* and grab those tickets NOW!
Finally, this week’s program brings in our Diabetic Essay Contest finalists who’ll be competing for scholarship money. Come out and support these incredible young writers, it’s sure to be an inspiring showcase.
The Quote of the Week was provided by Christie Sproba.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
– Desmond Tutu
Let’s keep up the good work, everyone—each small act makes a big impact!