Hello Lions,

     We’re back and ready to kick off the new Lions year with enthusiasm!📣 We are thrilled to welcome Pres. Bryan back as he starts this exciting new chapter for our club. Let’s make this year a memorable one!

     We urgently need Door Prize🎁donors for our Wednesday meetings from July to December. Let’s get this filled! If you can contribute please see the link…click here!

     Be a winner 🎖️ just like our Olympic athletes by donating blood at our Summer Blood Drive on Wednesday, July 24th. Your donation can save lives. Please consider participating and encourage others to join as well - click here

     We need volunteers for a Children's Vision 😎 Screening – at the 'Don’t Miss the Bus' - Health Fair on Saturday July 27th 8:30-1:30  @ Lone Star Family Health Center. No experience needed - sign-up here!

     Our Service Saturday is Saturday, July 20th from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Heritage Oaks Assisted Living Center we will be hosting a pizza🍕 and ice cream🍨 social!!! Sign up here…

     A reminder to all board members: our first board meeting of the new year is this Wednesday, July 10th at McKenzie's BBQ. Your attendance is crucial as we plan our activities for the coming year.📝

Our upcoming Program this week will feature Ted Meyer, a labor lawyer who wrote a book about leadership based on respect for the game of baseball. Don’t miss this insightful session on leadership and teamwork.

This weeks quote - "Everyone can be great because everyone can serve."

- Mother Teresa

Thanks for being a part of 'the greatest Lions Club in the world'!

Yours in service,
Andrew Perry
Club Secretary